by Jonathan | Nov 8, 2021 | News
Ethan and colleagues publish a paper in Frontiers in Forests and Global Change titled “Extending Our Scientific Reach in Arboreal Ecosystems for Research and Management”. Congratulations Ethan! Figure: The relative ability of each of the predominant...
by Jonathan | Sep 22, 2021 | News
Our fire-ecology research in the Species Pool, Fire, and Diversity (SPFD) Experiment is featured in a Washington University Arts & Sciences Magazine (The Ampersand) article titled “Hot topic: Fire and biodiversity in the Missouri Ozarks”. Thanks to...
by Jonathan | Sep 1, 2021 | News
Jonathan, William, and colleagues in The Madidi Project and Andes Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Group (ABERG) Project publish a paper in New Phytologist titled “The evolutionary assembly of forest communities along environmental gradients: recent...
by Jonathan | Aug 16, 2021 | News
A new paper in PNAS co-authored by Jonathan and William is featured in a Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment news story titled “For Larger, Older Trees, It’s All Downhill from Here – As trees age and grow, it seems logical to assume their...
by Jonathan | Aug 16, 2021 | News
Jonathan, William, and colleagues in the Mast Inference and Prediction (MASTIF) Network publish a paper in PNAS titled “Is there tree senescence? The fecundity evidence”. Short answer: Yes. Thanks to Tong Qiu and Jim Clark for leading this project! Figure:...