Resources in Ecology, Evolution & Conservation
Blogs, Careers & News
- BioDiverse Perspectives – Graduate students on biodiversity science
- British Ecological Society Forest Ecology Group
- Canopy Watch International (David Anderson)
- Center for Tropical Forest Science (CTFS)
- Dynamic Ecology – Multa novit vulpes (Jeremy Fox, Brian McGill & Meghan Duffy)
- EcoTone (Ecological Society of America)
- EEB & Flow – Blogging all things ecology and evolutionary biology (Marc Cadotte & Caroline Tucker)
- Jabberwocky Ecology (Ethan White & Morgan Ernest)
- Journal of Ecology Blog
- Nothing in Biology Makes Sense! – Making sense of life as we know it, in the light of evolution
- NSF Division of Environmental Biology
- Oikos Blog
- Sociobiology – So you want to be a biology professor (Joan Strassmann)
- Survive and Thrive in Grad School – Advice on creativity and scholarship (Michael Kaspari)
- The Contemplative Mammoth – Ecology and climate change from the 4th dimension (Jacquelyn Gill)
- The Prairie Ecologist – Essays, photos, and discussion about prairie ecology, restoration, and management (Chris Helzer)
Careers & Jobs
- Chronicle of Higher Education
- Ecology Job Wiki
- Ecological Society of America (ESA) Job Listings
- Grants and Job Resources (Marissa Baskett)
- HigherEd Jobs
- Nature Jobs
- Resources for Graduate Students and Post-Docs: A Compilation (Spencer Hall)
- Science Careers
Upcoming Meetings
American Society of Naturalists (ASN) & Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE)
- 2025 – Athens, Georgia, USA (June 20-24)
- 2026 – Cleveland, Ohio, USA (July 10-14)
- 2027 – San Juan, Puerto Rico (June 25-29)
Association for Tropical Biology & Conservation (ATBC)
- 2025 – Oaxaca, México (June 29 – July 4)
Botanical Society of America (BSA)
British Ecological Society (BES)
Ecological Society of America (ESA)
- 2025 – Baltimore, Maryland, USA (August 10-15)
- 2026 – Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (July 26-31)
- 2027 – Toronto, Canada (July 25-30)
- 2028 – Portland, Oregon, USA (August 6-11)
International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS)
International Biogeography Society (IBS)
Longleaf Alliance Conference
Ecology, Evolution & Conservation in St. Louis
Saint Louis Ecology, Evolution & Conservation (SLEEC)
Washington University in St. Louis
- Evolution, Ecology, and Population Biology (EEPB) Graduate Program
- Evolution, Ecology and Population Biology (EEPB) Seminar Series
- International Center for Advanced Renewable Energy and Sustainability (I-CARES)
- Tyson Research Center
- Tyson Research Center Summer Seminar Series – 2015 Seminar Schedule
Missouri Botanical Garden
- Annual Systematics Symposium
- Biodiversity Journal Club
- Center for Sustainable Conservation and Development (CCSD)
- Center for Plant Conservation (CPC)
- Shaw Nature Preserve
- The Madidi Project
- William L. Brown Center (WLBC)
University of Missouri-St. Louis
Saint Louis University
Other Institutions and Organizations in St. Louis
- Association for Tropical Biology & Conservation (ATBC)
- British Ecological Society (BES)
- Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
- Center for Tropical Forest Science – Forest Global Earth Observatory (CTFS-ForestGEO)
- Cornell Lab of Ornithology
- Conservation International
- Ecological Society of America (ESA)
- Global Forest Watch (GFW)
- Idea Wild
- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
- International Association for Ecology (INTECOL)
- International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS)
- International Biogeography Society (IBS)
- International League of Conservation Photographers (iLCP)
- Missouri Ozark Forest Ecosystem Project
- National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis (NCEAS)
- National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent)
- National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBios)
- National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC)
- Oak Woodlands and Forests Fire Consortium
- Organization for Tropical Studies (OTS)
- Project Amazonas
- Sierra Club
- Sigma Xi
- Society for the Study of Evolution
- The Longleaf Alliance
- The Nature Conservancy
- Torrey Botanical Society
- Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI)
- Union of Concerned Scientists
- World Wildlife Fund
- Angiosperm Phylogeny Website (Peter Stevens)
- Encyclopedia of Life
- Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
- Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity (KNB)
- Tree of Life Project
Floras, Plot Networks & Vegetation Databases
- Amazon Tree Diversity Network (ATDN)
- Atlas of Florida Vascular Plants
- Biota of North America Program (BONAP)
- Botanical Information and Ecology Network (BIEN)
- Center for Tropical Forest Science-Forest Global Earth Observatory (CTFS-ForestGEO)
- Chinese Forest Biodiversity Monitoring Network (CForBio)
- Ecological Flora of the British Isles
- Flora of North America
- Floras of North America Project (Michael Palmer)
- Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD)
- Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments (GLORIA)
- iPlant Collaborative
- Manuplants: Plants of Manu National Park
- Synthesis & Analysis of Local Vegetation Surveys across Scales (SALVIAS)
- Tropicos
- USA National Phenology Network (USA-NPN)
- USDA Forest Inventory & Analysis (FIA) Program
- USDA Plants Database
- VegBank
Plant Functional Traits
- Budburst
- Cross-Site Analysis of Functional Traits for Basic Ecology and Ecosystem Restoration (CRAFT BEER – Marko Spasojevic)
- LEDA Traitbase: Life-History Traits of NW European Flora
- InsideWood Project
- Millennium Seed Bank Project
- Prometheus Wiki: Protocols in Ecological & Environmental Plant Physiology
- Traitnet
- TRY – Global Database of Plant Traits
- USA National Phenology Network (USA-NPN)
Other Resources
- Bioclim
- CHELSA (Climatologies at High Resolution for the Earth’s Land Surface Areas)
- eBird
- Ecological Data Wiki
- Environmental Data Initiative (EDI)
- Global Population Dynamics Database (GPDD)
- Long Term Ecological Research Network (LTER)
- National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
- National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
- North American Breeding Bird Survey
- SoilTemp (Global Database of Microclimate)
R Programming & Statistics
Software, R Packages & R Scripts
- Bayesian Inference Using Gibbs Sampling (BUGS)
- Center for Tropical Forest Science (CTFS) R Package
- Null Models and Randomization Tests in R (Sebastián Tello)
- phyloGenerator (Will Pearse)
- R Project for Statistical Computing
Books & Online Resources
- A Primer of Ecology with R (Henry Stevens)
- Colors in R
- Ecological Models and Data in R (Benjamin Bolker)
- Modeling with Structural Equations (James Grace)
- National Center for Ecological Analysis & Synthesis R Programming Resources
- Ordination for Ecologists (Michael Palmer)
- Quantitative Analysis using Structural Equation Modeling (James Grace)
- Quick-R (Robert Kabacoff)
- Phylodiversity Network
- R Basics Workshop Cheat Sheet (Sebastián Tello & Iván Jiménez)
- R Reference Card 2.0 (Matt Baggott)
- R Seek (web searches for R-related content)
- The R Book (Michael Crawley)
R Courses & Workshops
Mentoring, Outreach & Teaching
Washington University in St. Louis
- Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, & Learning (CIRTL)
- Department of Biology Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program (SURF)
- Institute for School Partnership (ISP)
- Natural Science Learning Center (NSLC)
- Office of Undergraduate Research Summer Undergraduate Research Award
- The Teaching Center
- The Young Scientist Program (YSP)
- Tyson Environmental Research Fellowship (TERF) Blog
Other Resources
Field Stations
- Organization of Biological Field Stations (OBFS)
- Archbold Biological Station (Florida)
- Barro Colorado Island (Panama)
- Cocha Cashu Biological Station (Peru)
- El Verde Field Station (Puerto Rico)
- La Selva Biological Station (Costa Rica)
- Los Amigos Biological Station (Peru)
- Nectandra Institute (Costa Rica)
- Ordway-Swisher Biological Station (Florida)
- Pacuare Nature Reserve (Costa Rica)
- Palo Verde Biological Station (Costa Rica)
- Possum Point Biological Station (Belize)
- Reis Biological Station (Missouri)
- Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (Maryland)
- Tyson Research Center (Missouri)
- Wayqecha Cloud forest Biological Station (Peru)
- Wee Wee Caye Marine Lab (Belize)