Jonathan presents at the BES Meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland
Jonathan presents research from the Species Pool, Fire & Diversity (SPFD) Project at the 2022...
Jonathan presents a seminar at the University of Florida
Jonathan presents a seminar at the University of Florida titled "Fire disturbance as a driver of...
Jonathan is awarded a WashU SPEED grant
Jonathan is awarded a new grant from the WashU Seeding Projects for Enabling Excellence and...
New paper in Scientific Data – FunAndes – A functional trait database of Andean plants
Jonathan, William, and colleagues publish a paper in Scientific Data titled "FunAndes - A...
Anna and Ethan present at ESA
Anna and Ethan present their research at the 107th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of...
Congrats to the Pawpaw Patrol & Forest Biodiversity Team!
Congratulations to the Pawpaw Patrol & Forest Biodiversity Team on a successful summer field...
David presents at Botany 2022
David presents his research from the Madidi Metabolics Project at the Botanical Society of America...
Anna is awarded the George Hayward Graduate Fellowship
Anna is awarded the 2022-2023 George Hayward Plant Biology Graduate Fellowship from Washington...
Spatial aspects of biodiversity important for healthy forests
Jackie and Chris' new paper in Ecology is featured in a NSF news "What's hot in science and...