Joe & Jonathan visit the Yosemite ForestGEO Plot
Joe and Jonathan visit the Yosemite Forest Dynamics Plot in Yosemite National Park, CA. Many thank...
Jonathan & colleagues are awarded a Living Earth Collaborative Grant
Sebastian Tello (Missouri Botanical Garden), Selene Baez (Escuela Politécnica Nacional del...
New paper in American Naturalist – Spatial patterns of dominant species in longleaf pine savannas
Jonathan and colleagues publish a paper in The American Naturalist: Hovanes, Katherine, Kyle E....
New paper in Global Ecology and Biogeography – Drivers of beta-diversity in temperate forests
Jonathan and colleagues publish a paper in Global Ecology and Biogeography: Wang, Xugao, Thorsten...
Maya receives Goldwater Scholarship Honorable Mention
Maya receives Honorable Mention for the Barry Goldwater Scholarship. Way to go Maya!...
Joe presents a seminar at Rice University
Joe presents a BioSciences seminar at Rice University.
Jonathan is promoted to Associate Professor
Jonathan is promoted to Associate Professor with tenure! Many thanks to all my lab members,...
Jonathan attends Future of Fire Ecology Workshop
Jonathan attends a NSF-funded Future of Fire Workshop ("Fire ecology research priorities across...
Jonathan presents a seminar at University of Kansas
Jonathan presents a seminar at University of Kansas in Lawrence and visits the KU Field Station's...