Winter art in the ForestGEO Plot

Winter art in the ForestGEO Plot

Winter tree buds in the Tyson ForestGEO Plot – Artwork by Erin O’Connell (March 2020). Clockwise from top center: Red Oak (Quercus rubra), Paw Paw (Asimina triloba), Sassafras (Sassafras albidum), White Ash (Fraxinus americana), Slippery Elm (Ulmus rubra),...
Birds of a feather better not together

Birds of a feather better not together

Chris’ new paper in Proceedings of the Royal Society B is featured in a Washington University Newsroom story titled Birds of a feather better not together – Homogenization threatens ecosystems at larger geographic scales. Congratulations...
Jonathan visits the Zofin ForestGEO Plot

Jonathan visits the Zofin ForestGEO Plot

Jonathan visits Brno and the Zofin ForestGEO Plot in the Czech Republic. Many thanks to Kamil Král, David Janík, and the BlueCat Team for an excellent visit! Photo: Jonathan next to an old-growth Silver Fir (Abies alba [Pinaceae]) in the Zofin ForestGEO Plot.  ...